At times you may find it necessary to block numbers that may be considered spam or unwanted callers. This article outlines the easy process for anyone with Admin rights in your organization to do so.

1) LOG IN with your phone system Username & Password Credentials

Note: To update a user's credentials, please contact (530) ONE-STOP     

2) Select the User that corresponds to the phone number being called by the Spam caller. For example, your business number may be listed as NUMBER ROUTING and the main office phone number as the extension

Note: For direct phone numbers, select the extension for which that direct number is assigned to. 

3) Under Answering Rules, select the Allow / Block function

4) To Allow or Block a phone number, enter the number in the corresponding section then click the + sign to add

5) When all numbers have been added, click Done


Note: To Block anonymous or unknown numbers, click the box at the bottom of the "Blocked Numbers" section. 

Thank you for your business! If you have any questions, please contact our Support Department at (530) ONE-STOP.