Working with Time Frames

When you create a new time frame, you assign a unique name to it and then specify one of the following times associated with the time frame:

● Always = time frame applies to all hours of every day (24/7/365)

● Days of the week and times = commonly used to define office open hours such as Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm. Each day has its own check box. Check the days to which the time frame will be applied, and then use slide bars to define the time ranges for each checked day

● Specific dates or range = commonly used to define holidays or other special events such as New Year’s or a training closure. Use pop-up calendars to select the To and From dates when the time range will apply

When you check a check box, a blue control bar covers the times 9AM to 5PM for that day. Drag this control to change the time according to your requirements. If you need to add more ranges for a day, click the icon to the right of the time range

● Specific dates or ranges = allows you to specify a time range for the time frame by selecting starting and ending dates from a pop-up calendar

As an example, a time frame called Open Hours, could cover the period of 9 AM to 5 PM hours for the days Monday through Friday

This time frame might be used with another time frame called Holiday, which covers holiday periods. You might even create a time frame called Closed Hours (default already exists), which would be an “Always” rule but would not always be active since it can be set for lower priority than Holiday or Open Hours

Adding Time Frames

ACCESS the phone system portal, visit: https://portal.onestop.expert

LOG IN with your phone system Username & Password Credentials

          Note: To register a new user, please contact (530) ONE-STOP     

To add time frames: From the Time Frames page, click the Add Time Frame button. The Add a Timeframe pop-up window appears

Complete the desired time frame- see Table Adding/Editing Time Frame Settings below 

Click Save

Table ‎ Adding/Editing Time Frame Settings




Adding a time frame: Enter a name for this time frame. The name should allow you to differentiate this time frame from other time frames you configured.

Editing a time frame: read-only field that shows the name of the time frame.


Select when the time frame will be applied. Choices are:

● Always = time frame is applied to all days and times.

● Days of the week and times = use the controls to check the days when the time frame applies, and then use the slider controls to select the hours for that date when the time frame applies.

● Specific dates or ranges = use the controls to select the dates or range to which the time frame applies.

Editing Time Frames

There might be times when you need to edit time frames. For example, you might want to change when they occur

From the Time Frames page, Click the edit icon at the far right 

Edit the Time Frame, see Table ‎Adding/Editing Time Frame Settings above

Click Save 

Deleting Time Frames

If you no longer need a time frame, you can delete it from the system

From the Time Frames page, Click the Delete icon at the far right of the row. A confirmation prompt appears

Click Yes to delete the time frame or No to retain it

Thank you for your business! If you have any questions, please contact our Support Department at (530) ONE-STOP.